Concanavalin A


Sterility: aseptically processed

Quality level: 200,

Writes: Type IV-S

Product line: Bioreactive

Form: lyophilized powder


cell culture | mammal: suitable


salt (contains buffer salts and NaCl)


  • PBS: 5 mg / mL, slightly cloudy
  • H2O: soluble, slightly cloudy

Storage temperature: −20 ° C

General description

Concanavalin A is a protein that contains only β-sheets in its structure and belongs to the family of legume lectins.


Concanavalin A from Canavalia ensiformis (Jack bean) has been used:

  • in in vitro cell proliferation assay and cell cycle assessment
  • in the proliferation of lymphocytes
  • in splenocyte culture

Biochemical / Physiological Actions

Concanavalin A is known to stimulate acute liver inflammation and act as a T-cell mitogen. It has an inhibitory effect on hepatocellular carcinoma by inducing autophagy. With A it is not blood group specific but has an affinity for the terminal α-D-mannosyl and α-D-glucosyl residues. Ca2 + and Mn2 + ions are necessary for activity.

With A it dissociates into dimers at pH 5.6 or less. Between pH 5.8 and pH 7.0, Con A exists as a tetramer; above pH 7.0 higher aggregates are formed. With A it exhibits mitogenic activity that depends on its degree of aggregation. Succinylation results in an active dimeric form that remains dimer above pH 5.6.

Analysis note

  • A lymphocyte transformation assay is used to determine suitability for cell culture applications. The mitogenic activity of this product is evaluated by the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine and is found to have an incorporation peak at ≤75 ugs of lectin/ml of medium.
  • When reported, agglutination activity is expressed in µg / ml and determined from serial dilutions in phosphate-buffered saline, pH 6.8, containing Ca2 + and Mn2 + of a 1 mg per ml solution. This activity is the lowest concentration to agglutinate a 2% suspension of human erythrocytes after 1 hour of incubation at 25 ° C.

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